Unit 4

Marking - Pink

Peer Assessment - Red

Response Marking - Green

Develop idea in detail using moodboard

Consider potential constraints of project including S.W.O.T analysis, legal and ethical considerations.

Using the S.W.O.T analysis I think my game is doing rather well, its strength would be that it has a working character, working AI and a working gun. Its weak points are maybe how the AI act when they hit a wall. Once they hit a wall they start bouncing around on their side. this causes problems because the AI can't follow the player correctly. A threat to my project would be something corrupting which would cause a lot of problems with the game. This would lead to me having to either recreate the part that corrupted or to recreate the whole project. An opportunity would be if a new version of a software came out it would be an opportunity for me to get it and improve my game


You are yet to include anything for threat or opportunity.

Undertake appropriate market research

Market research is where a someones researches into similar products to what they are making and they research into statistics related to that product. For examples i am making a game so i will research into popular game genres, platforms and anything else related to games.

My game i am making is an fps. FPS have the highest % sold being 24.5% of all games. (Good use of specific stats, but please cite where this information has come from) This should mean that a lot of people like and play FPS. Also the most played game genre is Shooters this will give me a good chance at people liking my game. However this all depends on how much i sell my game for, how well it compares to other games like it. If a similar game to mine comes out and it is better made then my game won't sell as well. (What about the flip side, perhaps talk about market saturation etc)


Satistics website - https://www.statista.com/statistics/189592/breakdown-of-us-video-game-sales-2009-by-genre/

Create a proposal outlining content, target audience, resources, budget and project schedule

The target audience for my game is 16+. the game will be suitable for everyone who is 16 and above, there won't be a limit as such. To make my game appeal to a majority of people i will include different gender and race character so there is a wide variety of characters for the players to choose. this is because of the game is slightly violent. The main content of my game is a survival shooter, you need to kill the enemies to survive. 

Project Schedule - 

1. Create a character that can move around a scene,

2. Create a gun that can shoot and reload.(Can only shoot 30 bullets before reloading),

3. Create an enemy that will walk towards the player and once in a certain distance they will attack the player,

4. create code for the player's health that can be taken down by the enemy.

5. Create code for the enemies health,

6. Create code for the bullets to do damage to the enemies,

7. Make pickups for ammo and health,

8. Make enemies drop the pickups.

This is how i will proceed with my project. Once i've finished one of the task i will move onto the next one. This will ensure i keep progressing and it will make sure i know what i'm doing. Also i have put what i think is the most important at the top, i did this so that i will focus on the more important aspects of my project. The budget for making this project won't be too big as the software I am using is free. This will reduce the cost greatly. However i will need PC, for my team to work on, that can handle 3D graphics design well.


You have not explained a budget, project schedule is detailed, but please format this  as a table/gantt chart style image rather than a list. Your target audience of 16+ is correct, but please be more specific, is their a max target? are you also targeting 65 year olds? Think about GRACEAS when looking into target audience, Regional identity, class, ability/disability, gender etc.

Pitch your proposal using appropriate technology to your client

What is the game idea - 

The idea behind this game is a survival shooter, the aim to survive as long as you can.


Key Features - 

The main features of this game is the enemies and the gun. The enemies work by find the quickest path to the player and walking there. At the back two corners there are spawners which will spawn 3 enemies every 10 seconds. The gun works by having 30 bullets in the clip which when it runs out the gun won't fire until reloaded. 

Another feature of this game is the pickups. Right now there are two different pick ups, there is a health pickup and an ammo pickup. The ammo pick up gives you extra mags and the health one gives you extra health (up to 100).


Story - 

The story behind this game is that you play as a soldier in training. You are asked to test out a new training program that has just been developed which includes a virtual reality training course. This new training program includes you having to survive as long as you can from waves of enemies the higher your score the better you have done.


Budget -

The budget for this game won't be too big. All the software i am using is free. However I will need computers for my team to work on. The computers will need to be able to run 3D modeling softwares well. I will need about 3 of these computers which will cost about £1200.


This is not a pitch, think presentation or something similar. You are trying to find funding for your product, not just explain it in a paragraph.

Evidence planning your production inc. job role outlines, regular meetings and agendas, equipment, risk assessments, locations etc

While making this game there will be loads of different things going on. We will need a programmer, a modeler and a sound designer. These are the most important jobs within making this game. Every week there will be a meeting between all the staff. This meeting will be used to tell everyone how development about the different sections are going and if anyone has any new ideas they can be discussed there as well. The way i want this game to go is for more enemies with different abilities to be in the game. I also want different guns to be added and you to be able to create classes of your own design. In terms of jobs there will be alot that needs to be done, for example the programmer will be responsible for coding the game and anything in terms of coding. With the modeler will be responsible for creating the assets and texturing them. We will also have a level editor     


Be specific for job roles, give a role to an employee, include what exactly they need to be doing. Be specific on what equipment is required and what it will be used for.

Identify the different production phases through production schedule, contingency plans etc.

The first production phases is the design process, this is where we start coming up with ideas and where we piece together all of it. (Insert examples of your personal design phase work) The next step with be to start designing it, this includes basic models and basic code scripts. My contingency plan is that if something were to go wrong i would salvage what i could and rethink my plans. When rethinking my plans i would have to look carefully into what went wrong. While doing this I will pick out bits i think are too difficult or things that went wrong and see what i have left over, with what's left i can create a new project that is hopefully simpler for me to make. This is not a contingency plan, you must be specific with another idea. This could be a less complicated idea in terms of 3D design, could be a cheaper idea with less cost, could be an idea that does not require certain software etc.

Create a product that realises the proposal and demonstrates excellent technical and aesthetic qualities

This is my project i have created. So far i have followed my proposal completely however the project isn't yet finished. It doesn't have different types of enemies and it doesn't have custom classes or different guns. The models are still very basic and the scripts aren't very advanced.

Rather than a single image please add several images including a description and analysis of the image. These can be for early stages, but showing progression through the creation stages. End with a video of the game being played, ideally with a 'Let's Play' style commentary. Finally you will need to have the game embedded into your blog with an evaluation. Currently i am trying to fix this for us.

In the screenshot above you can see the enemies up close. As you can see they are walking towards the player trying to attack him. 


This game was meant to be a survival shooter but kind of turned into a wave shooter. To get this back to how i first imagined it i would make the map bigger with more room to move around and more to look at a hide around. There are multiple ways i could improve this game, the main one being to make the gun script work better, right now some of the bullets don't cause damage to the enemies and this is a problem.


Future ideas could be things like changing the gun to be hit scan rather than projectiles because i feel this would be better for the game and make it run better.

Another thing i would want to do is fix the AI and make them better so they will stand around until they see the player instead of running straight for the player.

One more thing that would need to be updated for the game to be perfect was its textures. This will make the game more visually appealing and make people more interested in the world and how it looks.